0751 71464
Indonesian English

Prof.Dr.Sc.Agr.Ir. Khalil, M.Sc.

NIDN : 0019056001

Deskripsi Diri : Khalil was born in Maninjau, West Sumatra, Indonesia, in 1960. He graduated from the Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB), Bogor, Indonesia, in 1984. He joined as a Lecturer at the Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science of IPB in 1986-1998. He received an M.Sc. degree from the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand, and a Dr.Sc.Agr. degree from Christians-Albrecht University of Kiel, Germany, in 1989 and 1994, respectively. He moved to the Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology of Andalas University in West Sumatra in 1999 and has been a professor since 2011. His current research interests include mineral feed and nutrition, properties of local minerals in animal nutrition, and exploitation of locally potential natural sources for feeding poultry, monogastric, and ruminants.

Depertement :

Jabatan : Guru Besar

Email : khalil@ansci.unand.ac.id

Edukasi S1 : Fakultas Peternakan IPB Bogor (1980-1984)

Edukasi S2 : Division of Agriculture and Food Engineering, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Bangkok

Edukasi S3 : Department of Animal Physiology Nutrition and Feed Science, Christian-Albrecht University, Kiel, Germany

Mata Kuliah :
Pengawasan Mutu Pakan, Toksikologi Pakan, Manajemen Industri Pakan, Pengatahuan Bahan Pakan, Teknologi Penanganan dan Pengolahan Pakan

Bidang Keahlian :
Sain Nutrisi dan Pakan

Riset Internal :
Pakan dan nutrisi minireal, potensi bahan lokal