“Innovation and Sustainability in Cattle and Buffalo Science for Global Food Security”
➤ Padang, 5 – 6 November 2025
This event organized by The Research Centre of Cattle and Buffalo, Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Andalas, West Sumatra – Indonesia
The International Conference on Cattle and Buffalo Science (ICCBS) is an international forum organized by the Research Centre of Cattle and Buffalo, Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Andalas, West Sumatra, Indonesia. This conference is designed to bring together your esteemed selves, as researchers, academics, policymakers, and industry professionals, to exchange knowledge, discuss innovations, and promote sustainable solutions in cattle and buffalo science to support global food security.
With the theme "Innovation and Sustainability in Cattle and Buffalo Science for Global Food Security", ICCBS 2025 will serve as a platform for scientific collaboration, research dissemination, and the advancement of livestock science. Together, we can address global challenges in food production and sustainability, making a significant impact on global food security.
The Research Centre of Cattle and Buffalo at Universitas Andalas firmly commits to advancing livestock research. It has hosted four National Seminars on Cattle and Buffalo from 2011 to 2020. These events have significantly strengthened Indonesia’s food sovereignty by promoting research and innovation in cattle and buffalo farming.
Continuing this tradition, ICCBS 2025 will mark a new milestone by expanding the discussion to an international level. We are excited to welcome participants from various countries to share their expertise, foster collaboration, and contribute to developing sustainable livestock systems worldwide.
Join us in Padang, Indonesia, on November 5-6, 2025, to be part of this important event and help shape the future of cattle and buffalo science! Register now to secure your spot and start preparing for an enriching and impactful experience at ICCBS 2025.
English will be registered as the official language in the conference. The committee does not provide translation machin
➤ Registration Fee
The registration fees for ICCBS 2025 are divided into two categories: Offline and Online participation, with different rates for presenters and participants, and also based on whether they are general attendees or students. Fees also vary depending on the registration period (Early Bird or Regular).
➤ For Offline Presenters:
★ General presenters who register during the Early Bird period (April 1 – July 31, 2025) will be charged IDR 1,500,000 or USD 150. If registering during the Regular period (August 1 – October 24, 2025), the fee will be IDR 2,000,000 or USD 200.
★ Student presenters will pay IDR 750,000 or USD 50 for Early Bird registration, and IDR 1,000,000 or USD 70 for Regular registration.
For Offline Participants (Non-presenters):
★ General participants are charged IDR 850,000 or USD 85 for Early Bird, and IDR 1,000,000 or USD 100 for Regular registration.
★ Student participants pay IDR 400,000 or USD 25 during Early Bird, and IDR 500,000 or USD 30 during Regular registration.
For Online Presenters:
★ General presenters will pay IDR 500,000 or USD 50 for Early Bird registration and IDR 750,000 or USD 75 for Regular registration.
★ Student presenters are charged IDR 200,000 or USD 12, both during Early Bird and Regular registration.
For Online Participants (Non-presenters):
★ General participants will be charged IDR 100,000 or USD 10 for Early Bird and IDR 150,000 or USD 15 for Regular registration.
★ Student participants will pay IDR 50,000 or USD 3 for Early Bird, and IDR 100,000 or USD 6 for Regular registration.
Optional Field Trip Fee:
Participants who wish to join the field trip may pay an additional fee of IDR 300,000 or USD 19.
Accepted paper by IOP Publishing Ltd. will be charged around IDR. 2.500.000 or USD 230 as the article processing fee.
Email: iccbs@ansci.unand.ac.id
Afriani Sandra (+62 812 5380 6618)
Eli Ratni (+62 812 7059 8537)
Prof. Dr. Ir. Mardiati Zain, MS (Dean of Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Andalas)
Prof. Dr. Ir. Novirman Jamarun, M.Sc, IPU, ASEAN.Eng
Prof. Dr. Ir. James Hellyward, MS, IPU, ASEAN.Eng, APEC.Eng
Prof. Dr. Ir. Arief, MS
Prof. Dr. Ir. Yetti Marlida, MS
Prof. Dr. Ir. Elly Roza, MS
Prof. Dr. Ir. Fauzia Agustin, MS
Dr. Indri Juliyarsi, SP, MP
Dr. Nurhayati, S.Pt, MM
Dr. Ir. Ridho Kurniawan Rusli, S.Pt, MP, IPM, ASEAN.Eng, APEC.Eng
Ade Sukma, Ph.D
Dr. Ir. Roni Pazla, S.Pt, MP
Sepri Rezki, S.Pt, MP
Eli Ratni, S.Pt, MP
Ir. Afriani Sandra, S.Pt, M.Sc
Dr. Ir. Hilda Susanty, S.Pt, M.Si
Dr. Zurmiati, S.Pt
Noni Novarista, S.Pt, M.Si
Dr. Imana Martaguri, S.Pt, M.Si
Aditya Alqamal Alianta, S.Pt, M.Sc
Tevina Edwin, S.Pt, MP
Yolani Utami, S.Pt, M.Si
Robi Amizar, S.Pt, M.Si
Linda Suhartati, S.Pt, M.Pt
Qurrata Aini, S.Pt, M.Pt
Rizqan, S.Pt, M.Pt
Aronal Arief Putra, S.Pt, M.Sc, Ph.D
Rizki Dwi Setiawan, STP, M.Si
Ananda, S.Si, M.Si
Dr. Lendrawati, S.Pt, M.Si
Indonesian Journal of Animal Science
➤ Andalasian Livestock